One of the certificates awarded by the Instituto para la Calidad Turística Española (ICTE) is that of Smart Tourism Destination (DTI), which defines those destinations that are innovative, with sustainable development and accessible to all. In addition, the certification is based on the UNE 178501:2018 standard and refers to all those systems that seek to boost the improvement of competitiveness and tourism development.
In this context, Marbella has been the first Andalusian city - and the third worldwide - to obtain this DTI seal, and our Certification division has been in charge of the audit to verify that all the requirements were met.
The DTI program is led by the Secretariat of State for Tourism and promoted by the Sociedad Estatal para la Gestión de la Innovación y las Tecnologías Turísticas (SEGITTUR), being an international pioneer in the implementation of this new tourism model. Also, something very noteworthy about this seal is its involvement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN, as it is based on a tourism management model based on five axes -governance, innovation, technology, sustainability and accessibility- that are closely related to the achievement of the SDGs.