With the approval of the new Law 11/2018, Spain moves to the European forefront in transparency on non-financial statements and reliability of reporting by large companies.
This new standard aims to identify risks to improve sustainability and increase the confidence of investors, consumers and society in general, by increasing the disclosure of non-financial information, such as social and environmental factors.
In addition, in order to facilitate the comparison of information, both over time and between entities, the standards of non-financial key indicators that can be generally applied and that comply with the guidelines of the European Commissionin this area and the standards of Global Reporting Initiative. Thus, the report should mention the national, European or international framework used for each subject.
Due to the importance of this new law, OCA Global offers to resolve any questions you may have regarding its application:
- Who does it apply to?
- What is its content?
- How should the statement of non-financial information be presented?
In addition, you can contact with us to perform the necessary verification services for your organization.