ICTE "S" sustainability certificates awarded at the Second Forum of Tourism Enterprises of the City of Almeria Meet in LEI
OCA Global actively participates in the II Forum of Tourism Companies of the city of Almeria, held at the Palacio de Congresos y exposiciones Cabo de Gata-El toyo.
An interesting meeting for discussion and analysis of the future of the tourism sector in the province, where the Mayor of Almeria, Maria del Mar Vazquez, along with representatives of the Provincial Council, the Andalusian Government and the city's airport opened the day.
The day continued with presentations by Miguel Mirones, president of ICTE, Piluca Querol, director of Andalucía Film Commission and Ramón Ferri, director of Institutional Relations of Segittur, followed by a networking event for the attending companies.
During the event, OCA Global, presented the 11 certifications of the "S" mark of tourism sustainability of the ICTE, obtained by the city of Almeria (EMAT) in different locations of the city:
- Alborán Golf
- Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions
- Tourist Information Office
- 8 museums: Aljibe de Jairán, Casa del Poeta José Angel Valante, Casa del Cine, Centro de Interpretación Patrimonial, Museo de la Guitarra Antonio de Torres, Refugios de la Guerra civil, Museo Doña Pakyta and Museo de Arte Espacio 2.
Congratulations to the city of Almeria, for its commitment and involvement with the quality and sustainability of its tourism sector, as well as the advisory work, by the Almeria-based consulting firm, Almeriune and the magnificent work done by our audit team.
In the photo of the award ceremony, Francisco Ruiz-Jiménez (OCA Global Business Development), Jesús Luque (City Councilor for the Promotion of the city) and David Ramírez (Manager of Almeriune).