![Climate change](https://ocaglobal.co/storage/app/media/Consultoria%20y%20as.%20tecnica/Cabeceras/cambio-climatico.jpg)
Climate Change Mitigation
The final objective of mitigation strategies is to reduce the emission of GEI that cause global warming.
- Design and implementation of climate mitigation strategies at the sectoral, regional and national levels.
- Updating of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and preparation of implementation plans.
- Climate governance and institutional frameworks at national, regional and local levels
- Inventory and reduction of GHG emissions
- Transition roadmaps to low-carbon economies and technologies
- Carbon footprint and life cycle analysis
![Climate Change Mitigation](https://ocaglobal.co/storage/app/media/Nuevas%20imagenes/CONSULTORIA%20Y%20ASESORIA%20TECNICA/CAMBIO%20CLIMATICO/Mitigacion%20del%20Cambio%20Climatico/pexels-pixabay-257775-2.jpg)