Low voltage. Public premises
By public premises we refer to places considered to be of public concurrence – this includes all kinds of entertainment and recreational activities venues, as well as meeting, work or sanitary facilities. Among these places we can find hospitals, restaurants, city councils, hotels, pubs and clubs, cinemas, theatres, etc.
The Low Voltage Directive, approved by Royal Decree 842/2002, of August 2, which regulates the electrical installations of public premises, establishes the mandatory nature of the inspections in this type of premises. These are divided into:
- Initial inspections: before their commissioning. They are valid for 5 years.
- Periodic inspections: with a periodicity of 5 years.
Installations prior to the date of entry into force of the Low Voltage Directive must also comply with the inspection and validity periods, although they will be inspected in accordance with the regulations under which they were executed.
Applicable regulation
- Royal Decree 842/2002
- ITC-BT-05
- ITC-BT-28
![Low voltage. Public premises](https://ocaglobal.co/storage/app/media/Nuevas%20imagenes/INSPECCION%20REGLAMENTARIA/ELECTRICIDAD/Baja%20tension.%20Locales%20de%20publica%20concurrencia/contador3-2.jpg)