Tension dips
Spain is one of the leading countries in the generation of electricity by means of solar energy. The generation of this type of energy is produced in renewable energy plants that may suffer uncontrollable “tension dips”. A tension dip is an event that causes a temporary loss of voltage, which can lead to a power failure in the network, so it is advisable to ensure that the installations are prepared to withstand these so they do not endanger power supply.
Due to these tension dips, there is an industrial safety regulation at state level to periodically inspect generation plants. The infringement of the obligations in relation to the initial and periodic certification of the behaviour against tension dips automatically means the suspension of the specific remuneration regime for the production of electrical energy using renewable sources.
The inspections are applicable in plants that meet the following requirements:
- Photovoltaic plants with a power exceeding 2 MW.
- Parks connected to points of distribution or transport networks in which the sum of the powers of the parks exceeds 2 MW.
The periodicity of the inspections is:
- Initial inspections: in its commissioning.
- Periodic inspections: every 5 years.
Applicable regulation
- Royal Decree 413/2014
![Tension dips](https://ocaglobal.co/storage/app/media/Nuevas%20imagenes/INSPECCION%20REGLAMENTARIA/ELECTRICIDAD/Huecos%20de%20tension/CENTRAL-SOLAR-3-2.jpg)