These verifications are carried out in public use manometers for vehicle tires – these manometers are the instruments that equip the fixed or mobile installations used for the inflation of vehicle tires, in which a chain of mechanical measurement transmits the elastic deformation of a receiver element to an indicating device. It includes both analogue manometers and those equipped – as a whole or in part – with electronic components. In particular, the range extends to 17 bar.
As a metrological verification authorised organism we can act on:
- Analogue manometers included in the field of application of “Orden de 25 de abril de 1995 del Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Medio Ambiente”.
- Electronic manometers included in the “Orden del Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio ITC/3700/2006 de 22 de noviembre”.
Applicable regulation
- O. ITC/3700/2006
- Ministerial Order of April 25, 1995.